The Best Place to Put a Litter Box
All kinds of families have enjoyed living in our DiCharry Homes, including families with feline members. One of the least appealing things about cat care revolves around their litter boxes. If only they cleaned up after themselves! The key to a discreet litter box is the right placement. Here’s how you can find the right place for your kitty’s litter box in your home.
Make It Easy to Access
It can be tempting to place your cat’s litter box in an area that is far from the living space, but if it is difficult for you to get to, it will be for your cat as well. If you can, avoid placing their box in an area where they must regularly climb the stairs. For some, this means that having a litter box on each level of your home is ideal.
Make Sure It Is Quiet
It is also important to consider the sound level surrounding your cat’s litter box. Like most of us, cats like peace and quiet in order to do their business. If their box is placed near loud machines or in an area of the home that has a lot of commotion, this may deter them from using it. So take sound into consideration when finding the right place for their litter box.
Make Sure It Is Separate From Their Eating Area
Nobody likes to eat near a restroom. It's the least popular seat in every restaurant. And it is no different for your cat. Cats have better noses than we do, so even when their box is freshly cleaned, it can still carry odor for them. This could make them uninterested in eating. If you do not have a choice but to have the litter box and their eating area in the same space, at least try to separate them as much as you can.
Make Sure Its Well Ventilated
And lastly, choose an area of the house that is well ventilated. Needless to say, ventilation is important to keeping strong odors at bay. This benefits you as well as your cats. Many cats will refuse to use a box that is not cleaned regularly. To reduce the occurrence of accidents outside the litter box, make sure to keep it clean.